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The robot dog is an interactive pet that can execute commands and completely copy the behavior of a real dog. Interactive toys are the most common, as they teach children to treat real pets, care for them, behave appropriately, and manage their friend responsibly. First of all, a robot dog is a device that looks like a four-legged human friend. In this case, the robot has a lot of sensors and sensors that allow the toy to respond to the movements of people, touches, commands, and other actions.

In addition to the usual dog imitation, the robot has additional features:
  1. Internet connection;
  2. Speakers to play music;
  3. Built-in translator, for recognizing commands in different languages;
  4. Self-recharging.

Software robot dogs for such toys have a unique feature. The primary goal of its development is to imitate the robot behavior of real dogs. A robot dog can learn and shape its character depending on the environment and how you feel about it. In other words, at the time of first turning on the robot behaves like a real newborn puppy. He studies the world, which makes it possible in the future to make up a pattern of behavior.

In the future, the nature of the toy will depend only on users. If you treat the robot well, play with it, feed it, care for it, then in adulthood, it will be active, playful and fun. But if you do not pay enough attention to the toy, the robot will be closed, timid and passive. Such features allow the toy to completely imitate the behavior of dogs, which makes it more exciting and attractive. Besides, the robot dog is equipped with a variety of sensors that allow the toy to move freely in the room. And in combination with the software, the electronic dog can drive around the house, as real dogs do, and also execute your commands.

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